mardi 15 octobre 2013

Arizona & Carolina - Olympic Orchids

Today, je speak English, enfin write in English, plus qu'en français parce qu'Arizona et Carolina, deux parfums d'Olympic Orchids, me rappellent mes voyages aux States.
Arizona, 100% naturel, me rappelle les conifères du sud de l'Utah qu'on faisait bruler dans le petit poêle en hiver et les promenades jusqu'au Mother Tree: un petit cèdre antique esseulé au milieu des buissons de sauge et d'herbe à lapin, au fond d'un canyon enneigé et boueux.
Ce parfum m'évoque aussi les épices des gâteaux de Noël. Il en reste une nette trace sur ma peau près de 24h après application.
Carolina, par contre, m'emballe beaucoup moins: un floral fruité qui me rappelle les gels douche "cheap", du genre vendu à 1$ au supermarché, parfumé à la "noix coco" ou au "gardenia"... Et ça a beau contenir du synthétique, ça n'en a pas mieux tenu sur peau qu'Arizona... Na!

Je me sens bien tentée par un mini spray d'Arizona... Pour le faire essayer à mon amoureux!

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I went to Arizona once or twice, but that's not the story here... Although Arizona and Carolina do remind me very much of two things I smelled in the USA: Southern Utah/Arizona cedar trees (fires, walks in the wild, etc...), and extra cheap fruity floral cosmetics, those so easy to find on sales just about everywhere.
Guess which one's which!
Nah I mean Arizona is just perfect, because it's natural, it does smell like the real thing and it does smell even better than the real thing since it's certainly slightly sweeter and a bit more complex I'd say than the real thing, like a home sweet home filled with the delicious smell of cedar burning in the stove while it's snowing outside and the coyottees are howling and something sweet and spicy is being cooked in the kitchen (I've never been there in Summer, so to me this smell will smell like winter forever!) and I love it!

But Carolina, on the other hand... Much too sweet of a fruity floral for me! and I'm quite sure I would have been able to tell it's quite synthetic just by giving it a quick snif. I would have rather called it jasmine coconut berry, or white flower gelly maybe...
I'm surprised to see lots of lovely comments about this one talking about the fugere, the hay, the pine, the tobacco, the green sharpness: strangely, I have to say I get absoluetly nothing of all that! 

And I mean to say I'm thinking of getting a little travel size spray of Arizona for my lover's Christmas present, to have him at least try it. I's really lovely!

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